Saturday 22 December 2007

In me

In my reality I am The Princess
In my reality there are no other voices
In my reality triumph has always been mine
In my reality dissent is a big crime

In my world music lifts the soul
In my world my voices reach all
In my world I will stand as I stand, like I stood
In my world no one else can, no one else really could

In my head there are no drugs or junkies
In my head no one messes life for a little ecstasy
In my head I play the tune and others dance
In my head love and hate find a balance

In me every battle ends in victory
And each day becomes My Story
Does this sound familiar to anyone?


Pallav said...

dangerous place your head is! :)

very familiar, but yours of course:)


D said...

guess you're not the only one with a dangerous head!
thanks for reading.