Monday 24 December 2007

Last minute Christmas gift

Christmas is almost here. If you are like me you are expecting to get gifts from your parents but you have none to give them.
Typical of us, right?

Well what are you going to do?
Here are some things I am considering for tomorrow. Choose whichever suits you best. But make sure your parents are not around as you read this.

Here goes...
1. Help out with the dishes
Big Christmas party at home? Enjoy the Christmas dinner and eat a little extra pudding and gather those guts to say out loud, “I’ll help with the dishes mom.” When you see that smile, consider mission accomplished. If this is too troublesome consider option 2.

2. Play the perfect host
Feel the same way about guests as I do? Guests can be demanding..they want the 50th tissue, another glass of something, oh they’ve spilled something here and there. If you fume everytime you see them then this one time gulp that anger and play the perfect host. This will definitely take some pressure off your folks. And if this is your first time around in the quarters of hospitality it is sure to be noticed and appreciated.

3. Melodious sounds
This one is quite easy. Gather everyone around the tree and let them know that you have something to say...ahem sing. Then sing a family favourite Christmas Carol and once done add a line or two about how happy you are to spend time with the family because this is the time to be with loved ones. Yeah this is also the time of giving and receiving but let’s not forget you’re only receiving. So be careful not to say that!

4. Be a little generous
This one might pinch a bit but hey emptying your closet only means that you’re making room for a batch of new things. Let go of some of those things you’ve kept all along but don’t really need. This should earn you lots of points with your folks as you celebrate this season of ‘sharing’.

Right then...these may not be the best ideas but hey I hope I have got you thinking about what you can do this Christmas for spreading a little happiness.

Well then Merry Christmas everyone!
And God Bless...

1 comment:

Pallav said...

me thinks sharing is caring :)

can't do much about the first two points, but yeah...i think i listened to some killer tracks and i was generous on xmas.

Hope you got loads of gifts :)
