Saturday 23 February 2008

Going online

It's work work work everywhere. Story ideas that I have to come up with, others ideas that I have to edit, dreams of the rival group team. Ah... and this is just the beginning!

This is what happens when everything catches pace at the same time.

I am working on a website in a group at the moment. It is on the net (needs work though) with my picture, looking quite exactly like what I didn't want it to but I'll leave that aside.

The team is a mix of international students and it is lots of fun to hear so many accents and so many kinds of English.

An overworked designer who has his sense of humour intact even when we are losing it.
An editor who picks on me as part of her job..... and she is good! :)
My fellow sub who is my first Indian connection in this foreign land.
Yeah that's just a taste of my team.

The rest shall be talked about later.

For the moment I must say I enjoy this amalgamation and fusion of ideas and nationalities.

The site is already dear to me and I shall not hear anything against it.

Are you wondering about the other team? Their site is not that good, trust me. ;)

1 comment:

Pallav said...

no link to ur site?

oh and also your enemy team's site?
