Monday 4 February 2008


Right then, new month and we are back.

A little spotty but as my friend thinks, I will come out of this better than before. So what have I been up to?

For starters I revisted the phenomenon called Govinda. I caught up on some movies that I had missed all these years. I must say that the guy did rule at one point.

Another mission was to get down to every detail of the Bourne series. I will not go into how very very handsome Matt Damon is and how I have loved him from the day I saw Good Will Hunting...

Besides this was the luxury of doing absolutely nothing. It's a feeling I had been longing for and finally I was there.

The week that went by turned out unexpectedly good. It was the holiday that I needed after my recent vacation.

One week is a lot of time to think. And maybe a few things have changed. Not giving in to the temptation to scratch for a week does teach you something after all.

So I'm back to the old routine but with a fresh start.

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