Thursday 8 January 2009

A new year look at me

One week into the new year and I fail, like many around the world, to see the newness of it all. Yes, I did hug and smile when the clock struck 12 on the last day of the previous one, hoping and expecting something to be new. It was all fake.

I'm still the same. Pissed off, temperamental, with no desire to change. But so are others. Mom and I still cannot go out shopping without a fight, dad still thinks I'm a kid, the world still round and chilly still messes up my stomach.

The new things I can think of are- I'll be a year older, I got three new tops and a realisation that I may actually be a meanie. Not much to boast about, eh? Still I move on wishing happy new year to one and all on the phone, buy a new calendar, wait for the first birthday of the year- to start the same routine all over again.

The old habits that I have brought along with me need to go away and new ones formed. Standard homo sapien behaviour. We are all typical then and so am I.


Pallav said...

stay the same, we like you a lot as you are ;)


krist0ph3r said...

yeah i know how you feel...i went back to work on jan 6th (took a vacation around new year's) - and then people started wishing me happy new year while i was all confused...i actually forgot it was 2009!!!

what's a new year other than a new number on the calendar? nothing, i say!

D said...

N...thanks honey. you the best.

D said...'re right!