Thursday 30 October 2008


Everyday I see
a new picture with commentary

Looking hot, what's up with you
that's all they say, that's all they do

F***book has become the place to
show the new haircut and the tattoo

People actually care
to waste their breath...swear!

I'm free but you got a job to do
so leave now and be gone you

No I don't want to chat
and I don't care about you new flat

Don't be my friend in e-space
get out of my face

Your drunken pictures are testimony
of your well known stupidity

You put up the information for me
when all I do is laugh at you silly

Get a life, just leave mine
fb is such a waste of time

Haven't hit the nail on my anger against the idiocy called fb, but reached close..


krist0ph3r said...

niiice one!!!

well...i love fb anyway...because my alternative is commenting on blogs :D

Pallav said...

couldn't have said it better!! Your words hit the nail on the head like ten ton hammer. We like :)

Now upload this poem on facebook ;)


D said...

kris...fb is fun on some days, to make fun I mean ;)
N...I almost want to!

Anonymous said...

This is so amazing, I truly think you've hit the mark with explaining facebook and it's oddities.