Friday, 26 October 2007

Movers and shakers

There comes a time to move away from the protected shell to the big bad world out there. Its my time to do that.

Time to move from the warmth of the house to the unfamiliarity of independent living. Oh yeah I am entering a new phase in my life. It will be quite memorable I've heard but I have to see that for myself. I did manage to get some tips from a friend to help me through this smoothly.

Suddenly the things occupying my mind are how long does this daal take to cook, do I need more loo paper, this bedsheet is way too expensive....when did I become this? Is there no turning back from here? There was a time when real stuff occupied my mind, for instance how will I use this new word in my next conversation, my sense of humour totally rocks, gosh this dress is wow...

Well I cant crib because moving on is better than sitting on one comfortable spot. Even if there is no coming back I believe it's beacuse there is good stuff up ahead. Tasty dishes and inexpensive linen might just be a part of it but that will not be all.

For now I promise myself that this will be Happy Shifting.

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