Thursday, 18 October 2007

Feeling familiar

In the first post I mentioned there are many thoughts waiting to be released through this blog. Now I sit here wondering what I should write about. The recent trip to Belgium or the nostalgia thats making me homesick or maybe some poetry written in a hurry, or the tube...ah maybe that should be it.

New in London, actually I'm well over a month old here.The tube... I had heard so much about it. My only regret was that it was underground which meant I would miss out on some pretty sights.

Well first came the technological set up at the station. Strange machines that gave you tickets in return for your money. This was the sight of a world when the humans had finally lost out to the the superiority of the machines. Okay that went a bit far. So back to the station..

Having passed the gates, I was relieved to have somehow managed not to make a fool of myself. Once in the train, I saw people I call ipod junkies. Most were either sleeping or listening to their ipod while reading. I, however, tried to understand the tube map infront of me. My lack of understanding of the north and south west and the like mocked me. I will never learn all this, I thought. Another fear was that I would end up on the wrong station and since there's no mobile signal underground no one would be able to trace me.

Forward to the present...I travel over two hours everyday between home and classes. I am no longer the stranger staring into space. I do balance myself on the (sometimes)jerky overcrowded trains with one hand while the other holds a newspaper.

There is however no awe anymore of 'the tube'. And I occasionally crib that the trains move slow or are late. My point? Knowledge corrupts. ;)

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