Friday, 26 October 2007

Movers and shakers

There comes a time to move away from the protected shell to the big bad world out there. Its my time to do that.

Time to move from the warmth of the house to the unfamiliarity of independent living. Oh yeah I am entering a new phase in my life. It will be quite memorable I've heard but I have to see that for myself. I did manage to get some tips from a friend to help me through this smoothly.

Suddenly the things occupying my mind are how long does this daal take to cook, do I need more loo paper, this bedsheet is way too expensive....when did I become this? Is there no turning back from here? There was a time when real stuff occupied my mind, for instance how will I use this new word in my next conversation, my sense of humour totally rocks, gosh this dress is wow...

Well I cant crib because moving on is better than sitting on one comfortable spot. Even if there is no coming back I believe it's beacuse there is good stuff up ahead. Tasty dishes and inexpensive linen might just be a part of it but that will not be all.

For now I promise myself that this will be Happy Shifting.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Of movies and boxing

Rocky Balboa, does the name strike any connection in the brain?

You bet it does! The movie has been a family favourite for as long as I can recall. The background music is unforgettable, the adrenalin rush is tangible, the rawness in Sylvester Stallone's character is lovable.

The movie is also a good example to prove the media violence theories that say watching violence helps you to come to terms whith whatever bit of it you have inside. Yeah so when i have a bad day i can fight back with every punch that Rocky delivers. And Balboa's "go the distance" dialogue will definitely ring in my mind the next time I'm on the egde.

The portrayal of undeniable power of the human spirit,that's what I love about Rocky. I confess I have not watched all the parts of the movie but here I come. Rock on Rocky!

Monday, 22 October 2007


Where have i been all along? Well been lazy first of all. Then began the weekend by going to the local market, watching the rugby match and getting home quite late at night. Sunday was a trip around the city to see the Buckhigham Palace, Big Ben and drinking pomegranade juice from an ice glass in a freezing bar.

Blogging has been put on a hold therefore but not for too long...

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Feeling familiar

In the first post I mentioned there are many thoughts waiting to be released through this blog. Now I sit here wondering what I should write about. The recent trip to Belgium or the nostalgia thats making me homesick or maybe some poetry written in a hurry, or the tube...ah maybe that should be it.

New in London, actually I'm well over a month old here.The tube... I had heard so much about it. My only regret was that it was underground which meant I would miss out on some pretty sights.

Well first came the technological set up at the station. Strange machines that gave you tickets in return for your money. This was the sight of a world when the humans had finally lost out to the the superiority of the machines. Okay that went a bit far. So back to the station..

Having passed the gates, I was relieved to have somehow managed not to make a fool of myself. Once in the train, I saw people I call ipod junkies. Most were either sleeping or listening to their ipod while reading. I, however, tried to understand the tube map infront of me. My lack of understanding of the north and south west and the like mocked me. I will never learn all this, I thought. Another fear was that I would end up on the wrong station and since there's no mobile signal underground no one would be able to trace me.

Forward to the present...I travel over two hours everyday between home and classes. I am no longer the stranger staring into space. I do balance myself on the (sometimes)jerky overcrowded trains with one hand while the other holds a newspaper.

There is however no awe anymore of 'the tube'. And I occasionally crib that the trains move slow or are late. My point? Knowledge corrupts. ;)

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

What's in a name?

It was a bright sunny day on this side of the globe today. Quite a welcome change from the gloom we have been surrounded by for a while. Sunshine can change my outlook and make life more bearable.

But the truth is sun or no sun, life sometimes seems very mechanical.
There are rules to be followed or not, goals, poems, meetings, do do...

Thats one of the reasons for the choice of name for this blog.

Isn't it all about 'do'? Everyone must be 'doing'. Till you can call your boss and say 'done'.

For me it goes something like this:
do start a blog.
doing an update.

God Bless :)

Tuesday, 16 October 2007


The blogosphere goes up by one! This starts out as an experiment and the sincere hope is it does not blow up as one.

Blogging is a phenomenon that came up in my day and age and therefore I am no alien to it. But I have been on the other side of it all along.

Now, however, the bug has caught up with me. Lots of thoughts are waiting to be released into the vast space of the virtual world, of course, with much hesitation.

Blogging is the way to go these days and has created quite a buzz; much like emails and online chatting did some years back. It did seem intimidating at first. Then came the questions, 5Ws and 1H... literally. But curiosity gets the better of most of us. I gave in to it.

What is its future, is it propaganda, is it liberating…..all this remains unanswered. But for now it is here and I am a part of it.

One more voice. One more blog. What is the power of 'one'?