Monday, 31 December 2007

A new year

A new year approaches...
Memories from this one shall remain
Old pain will be carried over again
In wait of happiness.

A prayer...
That it may be well
That wisdom and joy dwell
All of this year.

A change of date is upon us all once again.

Happy New Year one and all.

Monday, 24 December 2007

Last minute Christmas gift

Christmas is almost here. If you are like me you are expecting to get gifts from your parents but you have none to give them.
Typical of us, right?

Well what are you going to do?
Here are some things I am considering for tomorrow. Choose whichever suits you best. But make sure your parents are not around as you read this.

Here goes...
1. Help out with the dishes
Big Christmas party at home? Enjoy the Christmas dinner and eat a little extra pudding and gather those guts to say out loud, “I’ll help with the dishes mom.” When you see that smile, consider mission accomplished. If this is too troublesome consider option 2.

2. Play the perfect host
Feel the same way about guests as I do? Guests can be demanding..they want the 50th tissue, another glass of something, oh they’ve spilled something here and there. If you fume everytime you see them then this one time gulp that anger and play the perfect host. This will definitely take some pressure off your folks. And if this is your first time around in the quarters of hospitality it is sure to be noticed and appreciated.

3. Melodious sounds
This one is quite easy. Gather everyone around the tree and let them know that you have something to say...ahem sing. Then sing a family favourite Christmas Carol and once done add a line or two about how happy you are to spend time with the family because this is the time to be with loved ones. Yeah this is also the time of giving and receiving but let’s not forget you’re only receiving. So be careful not to say that!

4. Be a little generous
This one might pinch a bit but hey emptying your closet only means that you’re making room for a batch of new things. Let go of some of those things you’ve kept all along but don’t really need. This should earn you lots of points with your folks as you celebrate this season of ‘sharing’.

Right then...these may not be the best ideas but hey I hope I have got you thinking about what you can do this Christmas for spreading a little happiness.

Well then Merry Christmas everyone!
And God Bless...

Saturday, 22 December 2007

In me

In my reality I am The Princess
In my reality there are no other voices
In my reality triumph has always been mine
In my reality dissent is a big crime

In my world music lifts the soul
In my world my voices reach all
In my world I will stand as I stand, like I stood
In my world no one else can, no one else really could

In my head there are no drugs or junkies
In my head no one messes life for a little ecstasy
In my head I play the tune and others dance
In my head love and hate find a balance

In me every battle ends in victory
And each day becomes My Story
Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

On a break

I'm finally home!! Yipee!

Still getting accustomed to the pampering and catching up on food and sleep.

The only project for today was to decorate the Christmas tree. That's pretty much done and I can feel Christmas approaching.

Tomorrow starts again with the late morning and the usual...eating, tv and sleeping.

Once I'm over this euphoria I will get back to blogging.

Happy holidays for now...

Thursday, 13 December 2007

I make a resolution...

The semester is almost over and its time for a break. Just thinking about it makes me lose focus.

Yet the work never seems to come to an end.

Balancing (travelling plans with) submissions is a typical year end phenomenon. We've all been there, havent't we?

But this time around I am already making resolutions before the new year hits. Of working on time, that is.

No more last minute slogging and staying up late to finish work.

Wwwait! Isn't all just part of being a student?

Everytime we just about manage to make it to the deadline we make a promise never to procrastinate again.

But some promises are not meant to be kept, right?

I have work to complete over my vacation. Heavens know how that will be completed.

"Its fun to work under pressure", said my teacher yesterday. I agree because no pressure, no work. Literally!

So I reason out that there will always be work and then some more. But there are only so many vacations.

And so I make a resolution...I will work...only under pressure!

My dilemma is finally resolved. :)

Sunday, 9 December 2007

My day today

There are bad days and then there are worse days. Have you ever felt that? Dont know which one I had today.

From peals of laughter to moments when frustration comes out only as very deep long breaths, I was swinging with life.

In this already tumultous time the philosophical portion of the brain decided to attack me as well.

'Why dont I get what I want? I get lots but not what I want. What do I want? Why doesnt anyone understand me?'

(And then there are other thougths as well but those I'll leave out for some other post.)

Yeah it's happened to all of us. I wish time could just stop in those moments and I could take another deep breath...of relief this time.

But none of us have those luxuries. What we have however is the luxury of telling the whole world that this was my bad day. No BAD day!

What will tomorrow be like...oh I can't be bothered. I survived this and still have my sanity.

Guess that's good enough reason to move on. Tomorrow awaits...

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Am I? Am I not?

I’m not good because I did what I was told

I’m not bad because sometimes I can be cold

I’m not alive because time passes by

I’m not dead because I can still laugh and cry

I’m not pretty because mirrors come close to the truth

I’m not ugly because all truth is not absolute

I’m not a winner because I won a race

I’m not a loser because I did it all with faith

I’m not any of these
Yet what else could I possibly be?

I think alot and have many questions...