Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Drink away

A surprising news story caught my attention this morning. Latest research at the Oxford University study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says expecting mothers who binge drink occassionally would cause minimal harm to their baby. However more research needs to be carried out to to ascertain these results.

The obvious question that comes to mind is are we trying to prevent people from going on a binge drink or we are promoting this culture? Such a news story will only encourage people to drink more instead of the opposite effect. And it will put the lives of many babies at risk.

I am confused why research every few years brings out contradictory results.


krist0ph3r said...

The reason why studies often contradict each other is that they usually lose their fine print (i.e. their assumptions, population under consideration, testing methodology etc) on their way to the press. Oh and the press loves to sensationalise things too...i'm sure the journo who got this scoop was proud of it, truth or facts notwithstanding :(

D said...

hey kris thanks for stopping by.i wrote the post in a hurry and found some mistakes.apologies...

but yeah sensationalising is becoming a part of being a journalist these days...

Pallav said...

i'd say cheers to that ;)

Future Headline:

"Drunk baby kicks and hicks at the doctors!"

reports are just reports and we both have written our fare share :P